It's not good to cook well matured snake gourd. It's always better to choose young or slightly matured from the market.
- Snake gourd will cure the problem of masculinity. It will increase the sexual feelings.
- Those who are having thinner body can consume snack gourd in their diet often to get fat body.
- Snack gourd will remove the Digestive troubles and trigger the hungry.
- It has the capacity to heal intestinal wound. Who has Peptic ulcer, sore throat can follow snack gourd in their diet to avoid the major issues by them.
- It is rich in fiber, which is capable of cure constipation.
- Snack gourd is the best medicine to cure hemorrhoids.
- It gives refreshment to the nerves and improves memory power.
- Snack gourd help to women who has white discharge problem. Curing uterine disruption. Also, it will enhance eyesight.
- High water content in the snack gourd helps to discharge unwanted salt water through sweat, or urine.
- It cures rheumatism and bile disorders.