
Medicinal Benefits of Fenugreek Leaves

Kasuri Methi or Kasoori Methi

Kasuri methi or methi leaves in English are Fenugreek leaves. Fenugreek leaves also called methi leaves are a leaf commonly used in cooking. It is a nutritious green. Fenugreek leaves are cultivated from seeds. It will bloom and bear fruit in three months. These leaves should be plucked before flowering to use as green. Fenugreek leaves are light green in color. It grows up to about two and a half feet. It can be grown very easily in the home garden and in the pot.

Fenugreek leaves greens are high in vitamins and minerals. This green can be cooked and eaten in many ways. It can be cooked with toor lentils as curry and eaten. You can make curry by adding tamarind to this green. It tastes very slight bitterness and is very good for health.

Fenugreek leaves green to improve digestive power. Removes rashes and scabies. Corrects vision problems. Tuberculosis is said to be cured by regular consumption of fenugreek leaves. These greens also cure stomach ailments.

Boil fenugreek leaves and mix them with honey and eat to cleanse the stomach completely. The body is cleansed and refreshed. Intestinal ulcers also heal. It cures constipation and irritation that occurs during defecation. It can be eaten with butter to cure gallstones, dizziness, bloating, loss of appetite, and loss of taste. The inflammatory dry cough will be controlled. It reduces body heat.

People who are unable to sit and work for a long time can get rid of hip pain by adding fenugreek leaves to the diet frequently. Cook these leaves in ghee with eggs and coconut milk and eat.

Fenugreek leaves are an excellent dietetic food. Mash it and eat with rice by adding little ghee.  This will cure sore throat and mouth ulcers. Shallow fry these leaves with little oil and grind with a few almonds, poppy seeds, and wheat along with adding milk. Then cook all together with little ghee and eat. It will give strength and firmness to the body. Relieves pelvic pain.

A decoction of fenugreek leaves, figs, and grapes mixed with honey can cure chest pains and nasal congestion. This green is also an excellent remedy for diseases like hemorrhoids and intestinal ulcers.

Grind fenugreek leaves and apply them to the swollen area to reduce the swelling. Doing so will also heal burns. Grind these leaves with Ficus Palmata (Seemai athi in Tamil) and apply them on the lumps and they will heal quickly.

Fenugreek has the power to lower blood sugar and urine sugar. Consumption of these greens for 40 days will help control diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes are advised to eat dill regularly.

Fenugreek increases digestive power and stimulates appetite. Cleanses the urinary tract. Strengthens the nerves of the brain. Cures stomach ulcers, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Adding dill green to white pumpkin sambar will help you lose weight.

So, when you go to market, do not miss picking fenugreek leaves bunch! Eat healthily and stay healthy.

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