
Medicinal benefits of Mangosteen fruit

Mangosteen fruit

Plants and trees grow according to the climatic conditions of each country around the world. But one specific climate plant does not grow in the climate of any other country. Such trees produce delicious fruit for humans to eat. Mangosteen is one of the most widely grown and widely eaten fruits in Southeast Asia.

It is widely grown in Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is grown as a horticultural crop in the hills of South India. Also available in South American and Philippine countries.

Mangosteen fruit can be grown in mountainous areas. It looks like a pomegranate. The skin part of this fruit is thick.

If the skin of the fruit is broken, there will be three or four pulp sectors. The pulp is pink and white in color.

It is also known as Choolampuli in Tamil.

Tamil - Mangosthan
English - Mangosteen
Malayalam - Mangusta
Telugu - Maugusta
Botanical Name - Garcinia mangostana

It has long been used in Southeast Asia to treat skin and tooth gum disease, toothache, infections, and fungus. As well as used to heal wounds, chronic wounds, fever, bloody diarrhea, physical and mental fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Recently being used to reduce inflammation, anti-cancer, alleviate aging, reduce wrinkles of the skin and fight against bacteria & viruses.

Peel out the skin and burn in a fire for a few minutes or take raw skin and grind to smooth paste and take a spoon mixed with honey to cure severe diarrhea. Diarrhea will be cured immediately.

Relieves body heat and balances stagnation. It has the ability to cure abdominal pain. 

Eye Irritation

A person who works on a computer usually has dry eyes and eye irritation. Thus some people suffer from headaches and neck pain. If they eat mangosteen fruit, the eye irritation will be removed and the eye nerves will be refreshed.

Eliminate bad breath

If there is an ulcer in the stomach, an ulcer will occur in the mouth. This causes bad breath and the food you eat stays in the gums. The resulting germs will start to cause bad breath. If you eat and chew the mangosteen fruit well, the bad breath will go away. You can eat dry skin powder also with honey to get rid of bad breath.

To cure hemorrhoids

The food we eat sometimes causes indigestion without being digested. So that too much gas forms and affects the body part downwards. Thus causing ulceration and swelling in the vein in the region of the anus.  It is better to eat foods that are easily digested to cure hemorrhoids quickly. In addition, eating mangosteen fruit frequently will reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

For women

Mangosteen fruit helps to reduce excessive bleeding in women during menstruation. It is better to buy and eat mangosteen fruit when available in the market or during session time. Or dry the skin of the mangosteen fruit and make powder and store it in a bottle. Take a spoon and mix it with milk and drink to reduce excessive bleeding. The unwanted impure water remaining in the body is expelled only when the urination is good. Mangosteen fruit is the best medicine to urinate well.

In addition, it prevents coughs, cures Painful menstruation, relieves headaches, and relieves nausea.

Mangosteen fruit contains

Water (moisture) - 83.9 g
Fat - 0.1 g
Protein - 0.4 g
Flour - 14.8 g
Phosphorus - 15 mg.
Iron - 0.2 mg

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